The building at the airport is not displayed.

Support forum for the Tahiti and Society Islands scenery.
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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby catplace » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:46 pm

My review went though. See 2018-10-17 07:45:57.

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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby ChrisB » Thu Nov 01, 2018 2:58 pm

Now it is my turn...
Went from a bad installation with flightscene.dll issue to the buildings missing from the airports..

Tried to run all the simconnects.msi, the animan.exe is running properly when FSX is launched, triple check dll and exe.html, everyhting is in place as per the folder...
Still no airport... A bit desparate now..

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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby Jason407 » Sun Nov 25, 2018 4:36 am

I'm having the same issue, I'm running FSX on Windows 7. I get the scenery but no buildings at any of the airports.

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The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby pirate068 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 7:05 am


I have the same problem. I am working for two days but I am obliged to require an help this evening. I did several times your solutions but without improvement :

_ Animan is not launched
_ not entries in dll.xml and e.xml
_ don't find a folder called Flightscene_Animan in the Documents folder

I did :
1. Disable real time protection in your anti-virus
2. Add an exception in your anti-virus from scanning the flightscene
folder (and FSX folder if you are using that).
3. Start the config tool, select "check for updates"
4. Run the scenery.
5.Your product is registered. I bought again your product yesterday hoping an good update
6.I installed again all the Simconnections in the redist from Program files\Lockheed Martin\P3DV4

My system is W10 Version 17134.523 and Version P3D V4 is Academic_4.4.16.27077


Best wishes for this New Year
Pirate 068

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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby admin » Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:37 pm

Are you using FSX?

Email your DLL.XML and EXE.XML to

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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby pirate068 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:09 pm


I use also FSX( version Gold) but without Flight scene

I am going to send the files DLL and EXE


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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby pirate068 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:05 pm

After your mail , the answers :
The path of the flightscene folder is C:\ animan.exe and flightscene64.dll exist.
The path of DOCUMENTS and PROGRAMDATA folders is C:\
Under Program Data\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ I don't have a folder called Flightscene_Animan

I am seeing an improvment after :
- uninstall FlightScene
- Disable real time protection in your anti-virus
- Add an exception in my anti-virus from scanning the flightscene
- Use CCleaner to clean windows 10 with the register
- Install FlightScene

- In Documents\ Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\ I have now the folder \Flightscene_Animan\ with the file "add-on" (to see the attachment)
- In C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\add-ons\ I read :
PATH=C:\Users\patri\OneDrive\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Flightscene_Animan
TITLE=Flightscene Animation Manager

- When I am launching P3D V4 with Flightscene, not Airport Faaa. because Animan.exe doesn't work
But I have now the message which ask to choose the hangar door to open

After your last mail I registered your product and now the airport is played !

Thank you for your help

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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby pirate068 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 10:15 pm


Now FlightScene run currently with P3D V4

I wish now to use FSX. P3D V4 and FSX are on the same path C:\
I don't want to deteriorate FlightScene in P3D V4. I wish your help to install FlightScene in FSX because I have aircrafts
which don't run with P3D V4

Thank you for your comprehension


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Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby admin » Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:40 pm

Run the main installer again. When asked what version to install for, select Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:24 am

Re: The building at the airport is not displayed.

Postby pirate068 » Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:41 pm


It's very important to remember that Flightscene runs correctly in P3D V4 but I need Flightscene runs also in FSX.
I did what you told me to install Flightscene in FSX . But several problems followings :

-The files ntaa society_islands and society_islands_imagery were not in the file c:\ flightscene\flightscene for P3D V4.
Of course I installed again these files and Flightscene is running in P3D V4 without default.
- The building at the airport is not displayed in FSX

I saw a new file Flightscene( with only the files ntaa society_islands and society_islands_imagery ) in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
But I didn't see an other file Animan other than C:\Flightscene\animan used for P3DV4.

I am ready to send exe.xml and dll.xml from %appdata%\Microsoft\FSX.

Thank for you help
Last edited by pirate068 on Wed Feb 06, 2019 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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